Awarded by Mongolian Prime minister

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Awarded by Mongolian Prime minister

Mongolian Prime Minister U.Khurelsukh has granted 28 scholarship awards to the 1st - 6th course university students. Among them G.Munkhtuvshin, junior in ACC-Audit of Mandakh university and E.Ganzorig, senior in ACC-Audit of Darkhan-Uul Aimag branch, have been granted the awards.

G.Munkhtuvshin and E.Ganzorig have led their classmates in knowledge, creativity, innovation, virtue, talent and ability to get awarded by U.Khurelsukh with Certificate and Monetary scholarship in the Government Palace.

At the ceremony, the Prime Minister U.Khurelsukh said: “The main power in development of countries has been the youth with high knowledge and education. That’s the reason why our Government is taking special care in creating appropriate environment, providing the development of the youngsters by implementing proper policies.

With the success of you all, your parents, families, mentors and guardians are proud. I show my appreciation to the people who educated their child well and taught their students to be skillful, in the name of Mongolian Government”.

Also, he advised the students to spread their knowledge, talent and hard work by realizing the obligation to create fair society, to lead sustainable development and innovation.

Congratulations to G.Munkhtuvshin and E.Ganzorig for receiving the Prime Minister award scholarship, and wish all the best to develop their study, virtue, talent and lead many others to be the best.