The aim of the program

The aim of the program is to prepare competent professionals who obtained both theoretical and practical knowledge of industrial equipment and logistics transportation service, ability for doing a comparative market analysis by calculating efficiency and risks of the company based on methodology to combine science of engineering and economics as well as gained high communication skills, creative thinking skills and high knowledge of foreign languages.

The knowledge obtained from the program

  • Basic knowledge of humanities, social and natural science, mathematics, physics andinformation system to be studied compulsory by Bachelor students
  • Basic knowledge of engineering, calculation, engineering software, mapping, virtual analysis
  • The structure of machine mechanism and equipment,analysis
  • Study of material structure and its property and processing design materials
  • Application of Electro- technics and electronics
  • Professional English knowledge
  • Basic knowledge of Accounting, banking, finance, marketing, management and statistics
  • The ability to conduct research work within the professional sphere, plan and organize activities
  • Personal development skills, creative thinking skills , working in teams, communication, ability to make a presentation, use information technology and develop leadership skills

The skills and experience obtained from the program

  • Able to obtain detailed technical knowledge of the equipment’s and mechanic system’s structure and function, improve operational principle of machine design;
  • Able to determine main technical specification of engineering design, use an electronic control equipment, choose and use an appropriate equipment;
  • Able to use, control, improve industrial machines and manufacturing technology,and enhance the productivity of manufacture;
  • Able to stimulate technical resource and workability of the machine, process technological operation as well as to create, design and simulate technical system;
  • Able to use engineering software and information technology in order to solve industrial engineering issues;
  • Able to organize logistics transportation and calculate its efficiency and economy;
  • Able to make a conclusion and develop a solution on complex issues of engineering;
  • Able to study and analyze the facingissues of the sector;
  • Able to improve professional English knowledge
  • Able to determine technical position of the machine and employ machine mechanism
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The advantage of the program

The students who are studying for engineering mechanics have the opportunity to participate in the 2+2 or 3+1 programs of WuFeng University, Taiwan. The program has been recognized as one of leading and demanded professions in Mongolia.

Name of the program: Mechanical engineering

Major: Engineering mechanic

Index: D071501

Educational level of entrants: Secondary or high school education

Study: Day classes

Duration of study: 4 years


Core courses of the program

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Engineering drawing
  • Engineering mechanics
  • Mechanism kinematics and dynamics
  • Material mechanics
  • Material study
  • Fundamentals of Electro- technics  and Electronics
  • Professional English I
  • Professional English II
  • Business communication and ethics
  • Business English

Professional courses

  • Thermodynamics
  • Engineering design and invention
  • Machine and equipment exploitation
  • Mechatronics
  • Transport system
  • Applied engineering program
  • Logistics management
  • Production management
  • Internal combustion engine
  • Mechanics of gases and liquids
  • The parts of machine that transmit forces
  • Machine design
  • Machinery  maintenance technology  and management
  • Renewable energy
  • Project management


  • Mechanical engineer in the factories or enterprises
  • Engineer and technical officer
  • Inventor engineer
  • Engineering project officer
  • Researcher and lecturer