Student conference designated for 25th anniversary of Mandakh Burtgel University was organized

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Student conference designated for 25th anniversary of Mandakh Burtgel University was organized

The Department of Economics and Business organized “Student Conference” designated for 25th anniversary of Mandakh Burtgel University on 21th of April, 2017. In this conference, about 30 papers from following schools such as Business School of NUM, School of Business Administration and Humanities of MUST, IFE, University of Humanities, Etugen University, Institute of Darkhan and Mandakh Burtgel University were submitted and top 12 papers were selected in the 2nd stage.

Referee members:

Oyun.L /lecturer, (PhD) and professor of Business School of NUM/

Banzragch.M / lecturer and PhD of School of Business Administration and Humanities of MUST/

Chimeddorj, Ch /General Director of IBI LLC/

Delgermurun.B /Head of the Department of project management and monitoring of IBI LLC/

Tsolmon.S /MBU, PhD and Head of Department of Economics and Business /

1st place: Sevjidperenlei.N and Shinetsetseg.B, students of MBU, as paper “Assessing borrower’s capacity using financial and non-financial indicator”; 2nd place: Altanshagai.B and Tseveensuren.E, students of School of Business Administration and Humanities of MUST, as paper “Defining rating of stock companies and Building optimal portfolio”; 3rd place: Namuunaa.E, student of Business School of NUM, as paper “Influence of budgetary policy on Macro-Economics”: SVAR model; Amgalan.E, student of MBU, as paper “Building optimal portfolio of share based on financial and non-financial indicator”; 4th place: Margad-Erdene.B, student of MBU, as paper “Influence of employee moral on choosing rational method of motivation” as well as Oyunzaya.L, student of Business School of NUM, as paper “Estimating value of water consumption using the new model based on resource and Renewing TT-17 form of tax”.  

Best wishes for their further research work!