Mandakh University faculty member successully attends International Conference on Economics of Decoupling, hosted by the University of Zagreb, Croatia

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Mandakh University faculty member successully attends International Conference on Economics of Decoupling, hosted by the University of Zagreb, Croatia

The paper titled “Determination and Analysis of Trade Potential for Dominant Mining Export Countries”, authored S.Tsolmon, G.Erdenetsogt and G.Uyanga, was selected for presentation at the Conference which was held on December 2-3, 2019,  Zagreb, Croatia.

In order to present the selected paper, G.Uyanga, Lecturer of Economics and Business Department, Mandakh University, participated in the above said event on behalf of other two co-auhtors. Over 40 delegates from 8 different countries including  USA, Slovenia, Croatia, Iran, Pakistan, Mongolia and Hungary gathered to participate in this  conference and discussed topics related to economics of decoupling.


The conference participants who were representing young researchers, post-graduate students and doctoral candidates of the countries, introduced their research works and joined in shaping the future of our discipline in a friendly and supportive environment.