The results of Analysis Report on Students’ Learning Outcomes and Satisfaction in Mongolia

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The results of Analysis Report on Students’ Learning Outcomes and Satisfaction in Mongolia

The Mongolian National Council for Education Accreditation conducted a survey on 'Students’ Learning Outcomes and Satisfaction in Mongolia' during the academic year 2022-2023, in collaboration with the Taiwan Assessment and Evaluation Association, the Japan University Accreditation Association, the Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment, and the Center for Education Accreditation in Vietnam. The survey encompassed 61 Mongolian universities and colleges.  As a result, 28 universities were evaluated as meeting the requirements and criteria outlined in the survey.

There were 17 assessment indicators used for the survey in order to evaluate students' learning outcomes and satisfaction. They are as follows:

  1. Satisfaction with “Library Equipment”
  2. Satisfaction with “Teaching Equipment”
  3. Satisfaction with “Administration System”
  4. Recognition of “Campus Internationalism”
  5. Recognition of “Campus Sustainability”
  6. Recognition of “Teaching Methods”
  7. Recognition of “Teaching Innovation”
  8. Recognition of “Online learning”
  9. Recognition of “Curriculum Arrangement”
  10. Recognition of “Curriculum learning”
  11. Recognition of “Liberal learning”
  12. Recognition of “Foreign Language Competency”
  13. Understanding of “Counseling Services”
  14. Recognition of “Teaching Counseling”
  15. Recognition of “Employment Counseling”
  16. Status of “Self-Evaluation”
  17. Recognition of “Overall Situation”

Every indicator has been measured by the responses of students in the questionnaires,  the level of 1 to 5 indicating the level of agreement, satisfaction, and understanding: 1 to represent strongly disagree, very unsatisfied, and no idea at all while 5 represent strongly agree, very satisfied, and understand fairly well. The average assessment point of universities was 3.31 while the average assessment point was 3.95 for Mandakh University. The result showed that Mandakh University has successfully implemented its educational services with high quality. 16 indicators for Mandakh University were higher than other universities’ average points.