Mandakh University presents an award to  its most outstanding partner for the year 2023

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Mandakh University presents an award to  its most outstanding partner for the year 2023

Mandakh University collaborates with over 90 domestic business entities and enterprises in various areas, including table discussions on curriculum improvement, conducting seminars and training sessions, organizing  national accounting Olympiads and  professional competitions, and hosting  reseach conferences. The collaboration also extends to announcing  scholarship programs and facilitating students’ field practice.

Within this collaboration, Mandakh University has recognized its most outstanding partner of the year.  The  award  for the year 2023,  Best Partner was presented to Golomt bank. Starting from the academic year 2023-2024, Mandakh University has initiated the implementation of a workplace-based training program for junior and senior students in collaboration with Golomt bank. Thirty six students from Mandakh University are currently participating in this program. These students wiil be employed and trained  by Golomt bank during the six months. 

The award for Best Partner of the Year 2023, was presented  by Prof. G.Nanjid, Rector of Mandakh Univertsity, to Ms. G.Uyanga, Director of the Human Resources Management Department at Golomt bank.