Invitation to the International Student Scientific Conference “Sustainable and Inclusive Development”

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Invitation to the International Student Scientific Conference “Sustainable and Inclusive Development”

Invitation to the International Student Scientific Conference “Sustainable and Inclusive Development”

We are pleased to inform you that the International Student Scientific Conference will be organized for Bachelor degree students from foreign and domestic universities and colleges who are studying economics and business administration, on March 2nd 2022 at 15.00 hours (Ulaanbaatar time) under the theme of “Sustainable and Inclusive Development”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Mandakh University.

The conference enables students to explore and improve their research skills and practice, to develop their creative thinking skills, to expand their theoretical and practical knowledge, to exchange experiences with others as well as to encourage and support the best research papers. 

The conference will be held in hybrid form on site and online using Zoom platform.

We are looking forward to welcoming your students to this event.