Since Mandakh school has been accepted to be involved in University status in 2017, it received a special permission from State Administration Authority to run Doctorate program at the university. Within this event, Mandakh University has commenced the fisrt enrollment of Doctorate program for Academic year 2018-2019 and the opening ceremony was held at the meeting room of School Academic Council on December 13, 2018. The opening ceremony was participated by Prof.Mrs. G. Nanjid, President, Doctor and Associate Prof. Mr. Ch. Turbadrakh, Vice President, Doctor and Prof.Mr. L. Enkh-Amgalan, Doctor and Prof. Mr. Natsagdorj, Scholar Secretary, Doctor and Associate Prof. Mr. G.Bilgee, Doctor and Prof.Ms. S. Gantsetseg, Doctor Ms. A. Narantsetseg, Doctor and Associate Prof. Mr. S.Tsolmon, Doctor N.Selenge and the representatives of the first Doctorates of the Mandakh University Kh.Nyambayar, M.Enkhsuren, B.Badral, T.Zolboo,D.Tsevelmaa and Sh. Tsetsegjargal.
When Prof. Mrs.G. Nanjid,President opened the event, she emphasised that there will be a great opportunity to implement Doctorate program successfully through our cooperation with foreign universities. It was also informed that school administration made a decision to announce the scholarship program for Bachelor, Master and Doctorate students as well as post graduate research work. During the ceremony, doctorate students expressed their views and graditudes to the scholars and professors.
Wish you a good success to the first post graduate students in your Doctorate study and research work.
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