Outstanding Achievement Award

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Outstanding Achievement Award

On the eve of a year of the rooster, Tsolmon.S, Head of the Department of Economics and Business, has won “Outstanding Achievement Award”. He has participated in National and International Conferences successfully. In addition, Mongolian Economics Association selected five Research worksconducted by Mongolian Economists in 2016 and his research work “Bankruptcy prediction models: artificial neural networks versus discriminant analysiy and logit model” was selected in first five works.

Papers discussed at International Conference



Name of International Conference

Topic of paper



Institute of



The 10th International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications

Bankruptcy prediction models: artificial neural networks versus discriminant analysiy and logit model

Mathematicians Conference held once every three years from 1987 was organized in Mongolia in 2016. 110 papers of 200 researchers from 20 countries such as USA, German, Japan, Australia, China etc…were discussed.






The 7th China International Conference on Insurance and Risk Management

Corporate Bankruptcy Prediction Models for Mongolian Companies

The 7th International Conference was held in China. 84 papers of 140 researchers from 20 countries such as USA, German, Japan, Canada, China etc…were discussed. 2016.7.27-30.


consortium of BEST, Bank of Mongolia

Economic policy in new conditions: theory and Policy 

Assessing risk of Global system of countries in East Asia

23 papers from some countries, universities and organizations such as Russia, Japan, Korea, MNU, MUST, Bank of Mongolia were discussed.





The changing face of 21th century Mongolia: An interdiscipline international cymposium II

Assessing potential of Mongolian  foreign trade using gravity model 

27 papers from GMIT, NUM, IFE, and the University of Humanity were discussed.  2016.1.22.




Role and participation of accounting for sustainable development

Comparative researches on model predicting Bankruptcy

30 researchers from China, Russia, Latvia and Korea were involved in the Conference. 2016.5.14.

Student papers of National Conference supervised by Tsolmon.S

Name of Research paper





Golomt Bank


Assessing risk of Global system of countries in East Asia

109 papers of 173 students were submitted and 34 papers of 41 students were discussed in 2016.05.06.




Rivalry structure of Audit field and assessing risk management of Audit Organization

10 papers of 12 students from five Universities such as NUM, IFE, MBU and so on were discussed in the conference.


Royal Academy “Leadership- Today”


Sustainability of Mongolia’s Banking Sector and further tendency 

36 Students and 25 teachers from NUM, Ulaanbaatar University, MUST, MBU, MULS. MNUE, IKH ZASAG International University, Chinggis-Soose University, National University of Economics were submitted and 34 papers of 41 students took part in the conference.


Royal Academy “Leadership- Today””


Assessing risk of Global system of countries in East Asia




Articles published in International Research Journals

“Baikal” International Research Journal of Russia, “Возможность Выявления мошенничества в финансовой огчетности” № 4/2016 ISNN 2411-6262. Vol. 6, nо.4. Recource: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23790086

“SIMVOL NAUKI” International Research Journal of Russia  “Проблемы моделирования рисков банкротсва ь условиях Монголии” №5/2016 ISSN 2410- 700Х. Resource: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/problemy-modelirovaniya-riskov-bankrotsva-v-usloviyah-mongolii

National project and program


Project “Research on distribution of resource revenue and improving its regulation” implementing in the frame of technical aids covering branches of the World Bank. Sponsored by Ministry of Finance, Mongolia; the World Bank


Advising service “Improving monitoring, regulation and legal environment for Monopoly activity” implementing in the frame of project “Strengthening the environment of Mongolian fair competition”. Sponsored by Legal Policy; AFCCP (The Authority for fair competition and consumer protection); JaICA


Congratulations on your outstanding achievement and Best wishes in your future endeavors! 

Administration of Mandakh Burtgel University