Mandakh University students successfully participated in the 2nd mini case competition of Bloomberg B-School Connection Educational Resource Center

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Mandakh University students successfully participated in the 2nd mini case competition of Bloomberg B-School Connection Educational Resource Center

The Peregrine Academic Services and Shonkhor Leadership Academy have jointly organized the 2nd mini case competition among the  Mongolian universities and colleges,  on May 2, 2019. The competition was conducted in English and Mongolian. There were 22 teams from 15 Mongolian universities and colleges to compete in the competition.  Each team has consisted of 4 student members and 1 mentor. 

The judges of the 2 nd mini case competition were:

For the presentations in Mongolian language

  • Ch.Turbadrakh, Vice-President of Academic Affairs, Mandakh University
  • Z. Undraa, Director of San University
  • The third party judge: B. Batbaatar,  Officer of Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry of Mongolia  

For the presentations in English language

  • G. Ganzorig, Vice-President of Academic Affairs, School of Economics and Business,  Mongolian University of Life Science
  • Kevin Miller, Lecturer of Letu Mongolia  Univeristy
  • The third party judge: B. Gerel, Statistician, National Statistics Office of Mongolia, respectively.

The teams, made presentation in Mongolian:

  1. “E-30 Coupe” team, Business School of  National University of Mongolia
  2. “Peak” team, University of Finance and Economics, Mongolia  
  3. “Nomads” team, School of Economics and Business, Mongolian University of Life Science
  4. “Researcher  student- 1” team, Mandakh University
  5. “Temuulel” team, International Economics National Institute
  6. “Competence” team, School of Business Administration and Humanities, Mongolian University of Science and Technology
  7. “Green Zone” team, San University
  8. “Shake Up” team, Seruuleg University
  9. Ider University’s team
  10. “Imperium” team, School of Business, Mongolian National University
  11. “Falcons” team, Economics National Institute
  12. “Shonkhoruud” team, School of Business, University of the Humanities

The teams, made presentation in English:

  1. “Cosmos” team, Business School , National University of Mongolia
  2. “Leadfull” team, School of Economics and Business, Mongolian University of Life Science
  3. “Researcher student-2” team , Mandakh University
  4. “Future” team,  International Economics National Institute
  5. “Researcher” team, School of Business Administration and Humanities, Mongolian University of Science and Technology
  6. “Innovation” team, San University
  7. “Ravenclaw” team,  Business School of Business, University of the Humanities
  8. “Four minds- Оne team”, School of  Language and Culture, University of the Humanities
  9. “А-Team”, Mongolian International University
  10. “Yellow Jackets”, Letu Mongolia  Univeristy

Winners for presentations in Mongolian:

 1-st place

“Peak” team, University of Finance and Economics, with scores of 84

2 nd place

“Researcher student-1” team, Mandakh University, with scores 75.3

3 rd place

 “Green Zone” team, San University, with scores of 73.3

Winners for presentations in English:

1-st place

“Innovation” team, San University, with scores of 92

2 nd place

“Researcher student-2” team, Mandakh University, with scores of 89.3

3 rd place

“Cosmos”team, Business School, National University of Mongolia, with scores of 80  


The 1st place winner teams have received certificates with 500 USD, 2nd place winner teams have received certificates with 300 USD and 3rd place winner teams have received certificates with 200 USD, respectively.