An award ceremony of the Prime Minister’s Scholarship Grants to the successful students, gathered from different corners of the country, has held at the Government House of Mongolia, on November 22, 2019. There were 27 students selected to receive these grants for their successful studies, creative thinking, new initiatives, social responsibilities and art abilities. At the ceremony, Prime Minister of Mongolia, U.Khurelsukh handed the awards to the students and wished them high success in their further studies and careers. He emphasized that every Mongolian citizen, specially young generation who will lead the future of Mongolia, would work with their great efforts for the sake of their Mother- country.
Two students from Mandakh University, O. Sarangya, Senior student of Accounting-Banking program and S.Tseveenjargal, Senior student of Accounting-Auditing program, have received the Prime Minister’s Scholarship Grants.
The students who satisfy the following requirements and criteria, are eligible to be selected for the Prime Minister’s Scholarship Grants.
New initiatives to create new technology, products and materials with high efficiency in the leading sectors of Mongolia and transmit them into the production and service
Leadership for organizing activities for the sake of social welfare and be a good example to others making positive changes
Contribution to the activities to protect and preserve tangible and intangible cultural heritage including Mongolian language
Successful learning; publication of research works positively affecting the development of the country; initiative to implement projects and programmes meeting the socio-economic needs based on effective strategic policy, right solution and methods.
Written essay on “Future development of Mongolia and my contribution”
The grant includes the certificate of Honor with the signature of the Prime Minister of Mongolia and 1 million Mongolian tugrugs.
Congratulations to the students who received the Prime Minister’s Scholarship Grants and wish you high success in your further studies and career.
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Student's Scholarships
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