
Management system of an Organization

Management system is a set of policies, processes and procedures used by an organization to ensure that it can fulfill the tasks required to achieve its objectives. For instance, the quality management system enables organizations to improve the quality of products and services that meet customers’ needs and expectations.



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What is plagiarism?

Copying a work does not only mean "copying + pasteing" directly from a person's work, but also copying the ideas of others. This includes copyright infringement.



School campus environment

Mandakh University is conducting its educational activities in a new school campus, provided with comfortable learning and working environment which was  commissioned in 2018. The campus is located in a A zone, the centre of capital,  has an area of 10600 metres square and 4 school buildings.  

The new school buildings have capacity to receive 2300 students, over 50 classrooms for delivering lectures and seminars which are equipped with state-of-the-art techniques. The buildings fully meet the learning environment standards and  students’ needs or condition  containing 4 computer laboratory rooms equipped with high capacity of  software programs which are used for conducting professional courses and research works, school library with 260 seats, reading hall, working in team rooms,  leisure time activity corners, Internationally Standardized sports hall with 250 audience seats as well as school canteen with 160 seats.


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