The “Business English-2019” contest hosted by Department of Foreign Languages of Mandakh University, has been successfully organized from the 18 th to 22 nd of November , 2019.
An award ceremony of the Prime Minister’s Scholarship Grants to the successful students, gathered from different corners of the country, has held at the Government House of Mongolia, on November 22, 2019.
The Championship of Mandakh University traditional sport event named after B. Sandagsuren, Founder of Mandakh University, has been successfully held from October 29 to November 10, 2019. The event has been organized every year since 1997 and expanded its scope and types.
The competition on “Best research work” among the researchers and students which was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Financial Regulatory Commission and 85th anniversary of Insurance sector was announced and selected 12 research works from 32 submitted works.
Based on previous experience to implement ISO standards, Mandakh University colleagues are working on new introduction of ISO 21001:2018.
The ceremony of new Academic Year 2019-2020 has been held at the Mandakh University on September 2, 2019. This academic year, Mandakh University has receieved over 250 new students for its full time academic programs.
The signing ceremony of Collaboration Agreement between Mandakh University and “Erdem” Language Training Centre was held at the meeting room of Mandakh University, on September 2, 2019.